Going through YouTube videos I came across this subject. It’s about insulin resistance food, In the video, the lady walks you through food that can help you reversed diabetes. I found it to be very interesting. In It, she talks about 100 foods that you should be eating If you are diabetic that can reverse the illness.. So I figured I would share it in the article along with her video too. I am going to try to apply the information I found in the video to my life too.
I am also going to share my findings on brown fat too in another article later on too. Our doctors seem to be not telling us all the facts or they themselves or they do know about it either.. I have been doing a lot of snopping into possibles ways of reversing diabetes in the past months as I myself am diabetic too. I am type 2 although, and I am not planning on admitting defeat either.
You can also find insulin resistance food in herbs too I would say it be a safe bet as well. I will do a YouTube search on it too. This article might be a little bit longer then my other articles too. So bear with me as I am sharing what I find out out about insulin resistance food it will be worth the read as it might save you. Beleive me when I say that. It might saved you from having to give yourself shots or pricking your fingers too. And if I can saved people from the pain of having to do that then this article will be worth the writing and your reading too.
There are far to many people out there that are diabetic and it’s not a walk in the park either. Waking up each day having to worry if you are to high or to low either. I go through this every single day of my life. And I have friends and most likely family that goes through it with me too. It can be very frustrating trying to learn to eat right again too.
I can remember finding out that I was diabetic It hit me like a sack of bricks. It’s like being a predator hunting their food only to find out that your food could now hurt you by eating it. I felt like I was on another planet, where my food could hurt me now, and I can tell you It’s not a good feeling. It’s a whole new learning curve now for me and I am still trying to fine-tune my diet too. You would have to experience yourself to really understand what I am talking about. And now comes the videos that can explained the whole insulin resistance food more better then I can, so I hope you can learn from these videos as well too. After each videos I will post Amazon links where you can buy books If you want too also.
The next video will take a look at your body and list signs the you might have a chance to becoming coming pre-diabetes. It will look at the warning signs to look out for too. I highly suggest watching it to see if you are at risk for getting diabetes so you can catch it now. So please check out the video below here for more warning sings. And after watching it check out my Amazon links to find more great cookbooks that can help you out in the long run. And with the last video below that will be the last of this article too. Minus the Amazon links and my closing thoughts too.