In this article we will we will have a look into the inner working of Walmart. And boy will It be a deep look and a longer article too as Walmart is one of the two of the biggest stores. Walmart is second to Amazon business-wise. If you search Walmart on the web and Youtube you would see hundreds of thousands and millions of sites and videos on Walmart. There would be no ways that I could cover it all really..
Walmart makes lots of money and has lots of stores too in the USA, And in this article, you will see a lot of the inner workings of this big business store. And I will use a lot of YouTube videos to give you a good look into Walmart too.. But even with the videos you still will not see or read it all on Walmart. So lets begin the magical look of the store that is Walmart—compared to be amazed as we take a look into Walmart.
Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price<Amazon product listing>
Frontline: Is Wal-Mart Good for America?<A Amazon product listing>
Sully (Wal-Mart) (DVD)<Amazon product listing>