And I just got a whiff of Possible wonder twins live movies by HBO max. I had to jumped on this when I read about it online. I think it has a possibility of being a good movie too. But only if they don’t make it into a goofy movie. The wonder twins didn’t seem to get a break In the cartoons and the comic books. To me they seem like they were the butt of a really bad joke. They seem like they were treated more like sidekicks then superheroes.
Let’s face it they have some cool powers minus Zan only being able to turn into water type of object. I mean come on Zan got the short stick end of the deal on their powers, While Jayna got the best of everything in the deal being able to turn into whatever she wanted to turn into. The whole concept of their powers being based on them being twins Is unique in that sense. But come on lets changed Zan power so he can change into cool stuff too.
I think a wonder twins movie could be successful if they kept it as them coming from another planet. So HBO max should stick with concept of the plot. I think I have given enough of my thoughts on them enough although so lets get to the videos to hear what they think in the videos for now.
Super Friends: The All New Super Friends Hour – Season 1, Vol. 1<Amazon product link>
Super Friends: The Lost Episodes<Amazon product list>
This is It for this article. I provided links to where you can buy items related to the wonder twins. I hope you enjoy them too. And thank you for reading my article too.
Super Friends, Vol. 2: Season 1<Amazon product list>
Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show – The Complete Series<Amazon product list>
Wonder Twins Vol. 2: The Fall and Rise of the Wonder Twins Paperback <Amazon product list>
Wonder Twins Vol. 1: Activate! Paperback – Illustrated<Amazon product list>